Saturday, November 28, 2009

Art Studio

Kate and I are having an art studio opening tomorrow evening. We well sell our art pictures and crafts for only a few coins. First here are the most beautiful artists.
Lazy pasture horse (black and white)

Lazy pasture horse (color)

High Flying U.S.A. flag

Proverbs 3:5a

Crayola pencils

HEHEHE...saltine cracker :)

Fantastic design


  1. THose are really good!!! I like them.

  2. Thanks! I really like my latest picture, The bear one. It is the first picture on my blog. Which one is your favorite?

  3. Actually I really like the bear one too! But I also like the pencil one.

  4. Henry bought the pencil one already and two people want the bear one (but I have two more). Many people also liked the rocky tunnel one but my Grandma bought it.

  5. "Crayola pencils" and "High Flying U.S.A. flag" are now sold.
