Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sophia, Rachel, and $6.00

On the way to pick up the poodles Mommy said that she would offer $6.00 to anyone who would get rid of their hamster. Kate and Henry agreed to that offer right away but old, fatty Aggie is going to hang out with me for a while yet. This is a very rare picture. This is my only one of all three of them together, mostly looking at the camera, and not blurry. Here is the last picture of them together. This must be embarrassing to Rachel.
I think that Aggie is lonely even though Mommy says she doesn't even remember them now. Sophia does have red eyes in real life but my camera (that doesn't work very well) makes her eyes look even redder then normal.

This is the last picture that you will ever see of Sophia on my blog.
This is the last picture you will ever see of Rachel on my blog.

I hope that they will remember us! (Even though I know that they won't.)


  1. Is Rachel embarrassed that she's licking her behind or embarrassed that she's so fat?

  2. I don't think that she is fat. It is just an awkward position to be in.
